Thursday, February 17, 2011

today's letters 'mc' style

I mentioned last week one of my new found blog addictions...Today's Letters.  In no attempt to rip Em off (because she is the best letter writer), I thought I'd give it a go and post my own, Monogram Chick Today's Letter.

Dear Dr. Chick:  Thank you for making me laugh everyday.  I often ask you if I can put your witty comments on Facebook and you tell me no.  In fact, three different times I nagged you last night and all three times you told me no.  It's a shame that so many miss out on your quick wit, sure glad I don't!
Dear Jimmy Johns & Your 36 oz Fountain Diet Coke:  I love your sandwiches.  Even more, I love the bread on which your tasty sandwiches are made.  You have fountain Diet Coke & for that you get 2 thumbs up.  However, I do not love your 36oz Diet Coke prior to bed.  It was not your fault, Mr. Jimmy John, that I chose to consume a exorbitant amount of caffeine after 8:00 but rest assured I will not make that poor decision again so close to trying to get some shut eye.
Dear Bib Supplier:  Your lack of stock puts me in a pickle and I really hope you can round up some more bibs, my customers need them--pronto!
Dear Dr. Chick (who, like Mr. Loerke, gets two letters):  You really are the funniest person I know.  And yes, when you buy $325 shoes, shoe "protection devices" are necessary.  Guess that's who buys them.

1 comment:

Jen said...

LOL!!! Love it :)